Today we hear the expressions "Save us, O Lord our God!" (1st line of the Introit) and "Grant us, Lord our God that we may honor you with all our mind, and love everyone in truth of heart.” (opening prayer/collect)
When we hear “Lift up your hearts” in mass, let’s us think of the future life of heaven where the Eucharist is bringing us. Pope St John Paul II put it beautifully: “The Eucharist is really a glimpse of heaven appearing on earth. It is a glorious ray of the heavenly Jerusalem which pierces the clouds of our history and lights up our journey”. May we contribute our new song, sung to the Lord.
In today’s Gospel we see Jesus beginning his public ministry and are told, “Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs at Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him”.
God blesses all those who do good. It is a message for those who want to follow Jesus. Let’s renew our own Baptismal promises today, asking God for help to live each minute, hour and day in fidelity to them.
Epiphany means manifestation. In this case, a manifestation of God’s love for us. This manifestation got the attention of the magi who lived a thousand miles away. Who were these magi? Scripture scholars say they came from Persia, modern Iraq and Iran.
Special thanks to the Family Life Office in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas for publishing this newsletter. Enjoy reading the January/February 2022 issue.