Is there a greater happiness than to know we are loved? This knowledge energizes us and spurs us on to great works and sacrifice. We are lively, active and flying through life with delight because we are delighted in and cherished.
It has been said that the Psalms are “a school of prayer.” They not only provide us with models to follow, but inspire us to voice our deepest feelings and aspirations.
Like David, can we be men and women that delight ourselves in the Lord and meditate upon Him in our waking moments and during our times of rest, as well as throughout all the twists and turns of life?
Christianity offers a positive approach to being a human, it gives us dignity by relating us to a trustworthy Creator who is a friend of life. Twice the Psalm calls the people to praise and worship God (Ps 95:1–2, 6), the king of all creatures (Ps 95:3–5) and shepherd of the flock (Ps 95:7a, 7b). This invitation to praise God regularly opens the Church’s official prayer, the Liturgy of the Hours and opens our mass today.