Blood Drive
Sponsored by the St. Ann Knights of Columbus in association with the Community Blood Bank. All donations are used in local hospitals. Please contact us if you would like to be a donor to this life saving service and receive information for each St. Ann drive. Contact: Phil Wheeler, 913-262-5558, [email protected], Phil Needham, 913-649-4868, [email protected]
Condolence Committee
After the funeral liturgy, this committee provides lunch in the Parish Hall for families of the deceased. Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver a side dish for the lunch to the Parish Hall. Contact: Mimi O'Laughlin, [email protected]
Food Kitchen KCK Hot Lunch Program
Volunteers donate and serve hot, nutritious food to the needy on the fourth Monday of each month. Contact: Mimi O'Laughlin, [email protected]
Catholic Charities Hope Distriubution Center
The non-perishable food collected in the collection bins located inside St. Ann Church is delivered to the Hope Distribution Center in Kansas City, KS. Volunteers are needed to deliver the food & sort at the distribution center on the third Wednesday of each month. Contact: Sara Corless, [email protected]
Haiti Ministry
St. Ann has partnered with Kansas Friends of Haiti, Cross Catholic Outreach and Water With Blessings for our Haiti outreach ministry. To donate to the Haiti Outreach, use the green envelope in your monthly packet or donate online through the online giving tab on the website homepage.
Respect Life
These volunteers strive to bring awareness and education to the community on all Respect Life issues and solicit the parish to action on Respect Life projects, activities and collections. There are numerous ways to be involved from praying at home, writing letters to our congressmen, and participating in 40 Days for Life.
Thanksgiving Clothing Drive
Volunteers are needed to sort and deliver clothing to the El Centro agency in Kansas City, Kansas after the fall clothing collection.
Contact: MarkStiles, [email protected]
Troop Support
Volunteers meet monthly to pack and mail donated personal and “basic need” items to our troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and in harm’s way. Contact: Suzanne Mogren, 913-649-2824, [email protected] A sub-committee provides prayer support. Contact: Sue Fagan, 913-341-3554